Spokane Valley, WA

Spokane Valley, WA: 509-891-5900

A Fun Program for Improving Brain Function in All Ages

Integrated Listening Systems (iLs) is a multi-sensory program to help clients perform better—simple as that!

iLs is a complementary approach to brain fitness which can be integrated into a broad variety of educational, therapeutic and self-improvement programs. In the same way we can train our bodies to become stronger and healthier, iLs trains the brain to process sensory, cognitive and emotional information more effectively. With better synaptic connectivity, we perform better.

The iLs sessions start with music and movement, then gradually integrate language and cognitive processes. iLs stimulates the brain and central nervous system through the auditory system, using both air and bone conduction. The exercises appear simple but become increasingly difficult as our treatment team adds new layers for simultaneous processing. The program involves no computers or screens of any type. Someone once referred to iLs as “a boot camp for the brain.” Our team likes to think of it more as play, and we all know we work hardest when we play!

iLs offers a fun, multi-sensory treatment program for all ages and abilities.

People of all ages can benefit from iLs.

iLs has a global effect on the brain and central nervous system. As a result, it is successfully integrated into a wide variety of treatment programs, including performance optimization and therapeutic goals related to learning difficulties, neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism, psychological/emotional therapy and stroke/head injury rehab.

iLs can make a significant difference for those with many types of challenges.

  • Autism
  • Development difficulties
  • Learning difficulties
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Sensory processing disorder (SPD)
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
iLs Integrated Listening System

The iLs System can be used in our office or at home.

iLs treatments are available at our Spokane Valley location.

iLs is based on the fact that we can change our brain for the better.

Spokane Valley, WA Office